Monday, September 15, 2008

hari ini aku dapat satu lagi website yang banyak mengandungi e-book free untuk di download.  Malas dengan rajin aja nak baca.  Rasanya aku dah boleh bukak library e-book sendiri ni.  Kena cepat burn dalam cd ni, buatnya apa-apa hal jadi kat pc ni, rugi aku.....

jom kita layan kat

Friday, September 12, 2008

dont ever give up

Don't ever give up 
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup 

Rain becomes more enjoyable if it follows a sunny day 
Food become more relishing if for days Hungary you stay 

So, don't ever give up 
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup 

Gold becomes beautiful ornament by molding and heating 
Marble becomes beautiful status by carving and beating 

So, don't ever give up 
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup 

Pebble becomes smooth by constant rolling 
Pencil becomes usable by sharpening 

So, don't ever give up 
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup